Published: 29/07/2022

On average, someone searching on the internet will look at a property listing for approximately 3 seconds before moving on. Their attention has to be grabbed instantly. Catchy headlines, well-written text and beautiful photographs will ensure they engage for longer.
With new government viewing guidelines, physical viewings are now the final step after someone is fairly certain that they are interested in making an offer. So a property listing needs to make a good impression from the outset.

A dull description is also a deterrent.

While photos and videos are the best way to make a property stand out, the rooms have to be tidy and well styled. Crumpled beds or clothes on the floor, do deter people. It is a fact that potential buyers are reluctant to consider viewing a messy home, particularly when we have all become hugely hygiene conscious.
We pride ourselves on our attention to detail by delivering high quality property listings. We place great importance on the power of professional photography. Take a look at some our wonderful images to judge for yourself.
Below are the most common errors agents make that need to be avoided at all costs. We have all of these covered:
- Insufficient photographs
- A dull description
- No video of the property available
- Poor quality and unflattering images
- Messy properties that aren't ready for viewing
- Confusing floor plans
- Poor grammar and spelling in the description